Drafty House? Use Foam Insulation Spray in Seaside Heights to Prevent Drafts

Drafty House? Use Foam Insulation Spray in Seaside Heights to Prevent Drafts

Homeowners face increasing energy bills. Each year it costs more to heat a home in the winter and keep it cool in the summer. It’s not prudent for homeowners to stop using their furnace and air conditioning systems, so they have to find ways use minimize their energy usage. For many that means installing foam insulation spray Seaside Heights. Spray foam is a combination of chemicals and polyurethane. It comes in cans and can be sprayed into the gaps between walls of existing homes. When the liquid spray comes it contact with the air, it forms a rich foam that fills all of the crevices. It then hardens and forms an insulation barrier.

It is superior to traditional rolled fiberglass insulation, because those rolls don’t fit a space perfectly. There are often gaps around plumbing fixtures and small corners. These gaps are the spaces where heat escapes during the winter and enters in the summer. Rolled insulation can also wrinkle and collapse over time, because the fibers in it sink toward the bottom. As this happens the insulation capacity becomes uneven. The hardened foam never moves. In addition to the areas between walls, it is also possible to use foam insulation spray in Seaside Heights under floor areas.

Homes that use spray foam instead of traditional fiberglass insulation have a higher resale value, because homeowners know that the long-lasting insulation will minimize future heating costs. Placing foam insulation spray Seaside Heights in the walls also prevents mold and mildew from growing in these areas. There’s also no room for rodents and animals to enter. Not only is it unpleasant to hear animals in the wall, it’s unsanitary and they can damage electrical wiring.

Many home buyers like knowing that there will never be any chance of fiberglass particles floating in the air. These have been associated with many types of lung disease. It also doesn’t itch when people touch it. Some homeowners buy it to fill in the cracks around their doors and windows. It’s fine for homeowners to do these small insulation projects, but for larger areas it’s best to call in professionals of Shore Insulation, Inc.. It is possible to use to much foam and cause the walls to buckle.

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