Teeth Whitening In Phoenix

by | Apr 16, 2013 | Dentist

Bleaching or other methods of teeth whitening in Phoenix has grown to be a very popular and common process requested by patients over the past couple of decades. Gone are the days when very white teeth are reserved only for famous people and celebrities. Today’s over the counter toothpaste even offer whitening abilities to help keep your professionally whitened teeth whiter longer. When deciding which option for whitening your teeth is right for you, it is helpful to understand the reason that your teeth may be discolored as that can affect the ultimate results that you will see.

One of the most common reasons that you may need teeth whitening in Phoenix is simply staining from food or beverages. Most foods can cause staining over time but some are more likely to be the prime culprits than others. These include coffee, tea, red wine, blueberries, other dark berries and similar items. Essentially, any foods or drinks that you commonly think of as staining your clothing or carpets can stain your teeth. This type of staining is the easiest to address as it is the most superficial and occurs from the outside of your teeth in. Some staining or tooth discoloration essentially happens from the inside out and occurs as a side effect of some medications. If this is your situation, you will want to talk to your dentist to determine how effective bleaching or other methods can be for you.

Smoking cigarettes or cigars also stains your teeth from the outside primarily. However, the stains from smoking are far more stubborn than those resulting from food or beverages. This does not mean that teeth whitening in Phoenix cannot be helpful but that you simply may not get the extreme level of white that you can if you do not smoke. Some discoloration of the teeth due to smoking ends up being permanent.

Another big factor in how well your teeth respond to bleaching or other whitening processes is a matter of genetics, essentially. Everyone’s tooth enamal is unique and some people have stronger enamal coverage than other and that can affect your teeth’s response to the process used to whiten them. Your dentist will be able to evaluate your teeth and enamel prior to any work being done so that he or she can recommend the method that will deliver the best results for you. Be sure to ask your dentist about all of the options available for teeth whitening in Phoenix so that you can understand which one will make your smile brightest.

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