Lift Chairs In Rancho Palos Verdes Can Help People Get Around More Safely

by | Jul 29, 2013 | Health Care

For people with limited mobility, one of the most difficult moments of the day is trying to get out of a chair. This seems like a fairly simple act to healthy people, but can present a major problem to anyone who is aging or who has other health issues. Simply switching to lift Chairs Rancho Palos Verdes can be an effective way of helping people maintain independence when they are beginning to struggle with a normal chair.

The act of getting up from a seated position is actually somewhat complicated if you stop to think about it. You have to shift your body weight far forward of where it would normally be while seated to get it over your feet so that you can get up, and then your muscles have to manage to lift your full body weight out of the chair from a resting position. To make things worse, the type of armchairs and couches that people often put in their living rooms are frequently either positioned low enough to make it even more difficult, or so soft that they make it difficult to get much leverage.

Switching to lift chairs rancho palos verdes can make a huge difference because they are specifically designed to address this problem. They don’t just sit you up higher or provide a harder surface to push off from. Instead, they actually have machinery inside that raises the seat and back of the chair itself upward and forward. If you use one to its full extension, they are often designed to be able to virtually put you all the way back up on your feet. The lift chairs rancho palos verdes can even remain this way and wait for the user’s return, so that they can then lower the person back down gently into a seated position when needed.

Good lift Chairs Rancho Palos Verdes, are one of many tools that can help older people and others with mobility problems to live both comfortably and independently. It simply isn’t safe to allow someone to continue using a chair that he or she might not be able to get up and out of one day, but these particular models make it possible to get up and down safely for much longer.

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